NUDD Definition
* New
1) Feature or performance that has not been historically delivered
2) Never done at Wistron/Dell, but does exist in the market place
在 Wistron/Dell 從未做過,但在市場上已經存在的產品。"
* Unique
1) Feature or performance that is highly distinctive or highly desired
2) Never done anywhere. Doesn't exist.
* Different
1) Feature or performance that may have been delivered at Wistron/Dell, but not in this fashion or in this LOB
產品的特徵或性能可能在 Wistron/Dell 已經發表過,但還未在現今流行風潮中發表過。"
* Difficult
1) Feature or performance that is highly desired but is quite difficult to develop
2) Past experience shows low yields, low throughput, long time to build, requires abnormally hogh attention to detail, high touch, high variability,
high learning curve.